This Covid Pandemic is a real risk to your wedding plans and therefore postponing your wedding is a real option that you need to consider. It is an emotional, frustrating and in many cases devastating thing to do, so we have created a simple guide to try and make it easier for you and help reduce the overwhelm and stress.
Our top tips when considering postponing your wedding are:
- Discuss the fact that even if you do postpone, your rescheduled wedding date may still be effected, and you could be in this situation again for next date and even the next date! The world is unpredictable, so this has can could happen, does this effect your decision?
- Be flexible with your rescheduled wedding date. Don’t worry if you have to have your postponed wedding on a Sunday or weekday, guests truly don’t mind.
- Choose your top 3 ‘non negotiables’. These are things like ‘i can’t have my wedding if Dad can’t be there’, or ‘I have to have a Saturday wedding’? Really think about these, discuss them even with friends, family or your wedding planner to help create a realistic outlook.
- Contact your favourite ‘must have’ suppliers first when rescheduling, and be prepared (and ok with) the loss of deposits if other vendors can’t move to your wedding date.
If you have made your decision to postpone your wedding, we hope the guide we have made below helps you.